If you have a large yard, it is sometimes essential to swap your mower for an electric one. Very practical, inexpensive, easy to maintain, odorless, and low noise electric lawn mowers are becoming more and more popular on the market. But between multiple models and different features, it is not always easy to choose.
In this selection, we went to models capable of managing an area of more or less 100 m² to approximately 600 m². Beyond that, it is better to move towards a cordless model or a robotic lawnmower.
But of course, all of this will also depend on the configuration of your land. If it's crowded with trees, a cable can quickly hamper your movements. At that time, the wireless model could be favored even for a small area.
Before making our selection, we have distinguished the different types of electric mowers:
The electric corded mower: most of the time, they are adapted for intermediate terrain, from 200 to 700 m² approximately. They are among the cheapest mower models and have the advantage of being almost as efficient as thermal mowers while being more affordable, less noisy, and easier to maintain.
The cordless mower: If they were much more expensive than corded models, they tend to get more popular as they get more popular. As effective as wireframes, its main advantage is also its main disadvantage. If you go wireless, take one with two batteries (pay attention to the price of replacement batteries).
Other criteria were also crucial for our selection:
The width of the blade: make sure to adopt a cutting width adapted to the surface to be cut. In fact, the bigger it is, the more efficient and faster the cut will be. Professionals recommend a 33 to 41 cm blade for surfaces up to 500 m², 41 to 46 cm between 500 and 1000 m², and 48 to 55 cm for a higher surface.
Cutting height: In general, the cutting height is adjustable. Check to what extent you can make adjustments, especially if you are a 25mm turf maniac.
Ergonomics: It is a safe bet that you stay many hours behind your lawnmower. Therefore, it is essential to buy a comfortable model to use. Without sacrificing quality and power, opt for a compact, lightweight, easy-to-handle, and easy-to-use model. The ideal is to have an adjustable handlebar and ergonomic handles. For the transport itself, the existence of an alias is always welcome.
Mulch: This function consists of recovering and grinding the grass that you cut to put it back, cut it and chop it in your lawn. This form of natural compost helps a lot in lawn care.
The "Grass Guide" function allows you to cut closer to the edges and walls by bending the plants towards the blade.
Blade Release: Stops the mower blade, which is very convenient if you need to clear an obstacle in your way or empty your bin while mowing.
If you want to get the best lawn mower in the market, check this website.